I was diagnosed with gout today. I didn’t think it was a real thing. I didn’t think that I would get it. It is a build up of uric acid in my toe, caused by a lot of the acute issues that I am dealing with at the moment. I will be fine, but the pain is horrible.

Refit’s First Quarter

First of all, this has absolutely nothing to do with April Fool’s Day. Time is an artificial constuct anyway. Peoplr who are familiar with the podcast Cortex will have heard of the idea of the yearly theme. After the unsual year that we all had, known as 2020, my theme is “The Year of the Refit”. A refit is an event where something like a ship or an airplane goes through an overhaul of sorts. Equipment is upgraded, repaired or removed due to being obsoleted. The process takes a long time, but when finished, the ship is nearly brand new. I have been offline since early January. My year of refit did not start as I planned, but it did start in the best way possible. Taking the time to rehabilitate my foot, my back and my mind has created the best set of conditions for the rest of the refit year to be successful. What I have learned from this is the importance of listening. Listening to those around me, listening to my body and listening to my mind. Listening to the doctor and the physical therapists helped me to fix my foot and back. Listening to my mind helped me to start working some long damaged mental stuff. The time off of the internet was part of the active process of listening. I had to get in better touch with reality. I had to make my world smaller. I am not going to tell anyone what to do. I would recommend that you let your life tell you what to do. A refit takes a long time. I have heard of aircraft carriers taking up to 5 years for a proper refit. That is a refit involving experts in their fields and the proper equipment to complete their common goal. A personal refit is much the same. To be done properly, it cannot be rushed. Shortcuts do not lead to success.

We got power back this evening after beng withojut for 3 days. You don’t realize your dependence on electricity until you are without it.

I have been advised to not run until a couple of minor injuries heal. I am in search of some alternative ways to relieve stress. Any suggestions?